The year is still young and our good resolutions are (still) very present.

Usually at the beginning of the year they are: live healthier, exercise more, reduce stress, detox digitally, read a good book, travel, maintain friendships, be nicer to your partner, etc (there are so many…).

One resolution is still missing: lose weight!

A lower weight usually also contributes to better health. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, but losing weight isn’t everything. Another great “side effect” is the still relatively new “MIND” diet, which first causes weight loss, but can do much more.

The MIND diet

Again a new diet?! Yes, but what a diet!

  • MIND bedeutet Mittelmeer-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay,
  • DASH wiederum ist Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension,
  • the Mediterranean Diet is a light diet with lots of fish and vegetables.

So, the MIND diet is more or less a mix of the benefits of two healthy lifestyles. In fact, this is proven by studies in which groups of test subjects were followed for up to 10 years.

These studies have shown that the MIND diet significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia! And that’s not all: the average life expectancy of the test subjects also increased by 7.5 years! Even when people did not follow the diet 100%.

MIND Meening
MIND Meening

The MIND diet is as simple as that:

Its application is very simple: 10 foods may (should) be consumed, 5 should be avoided:

DOs: Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil, wine (in small moderation!).

DONTs: Red meat, butter and margarine, cheese, pastries and sweets, fried or fast foods.

We CARE: One of the most important goals of LTS is to fight neurodegenerative diseases – for the health of patients and, of course, our employees. Further exciting information on this topic can be found on our homepage.


Pictures: CANVA