Climate neutrality by 2050? Ambitious EU goal, but an incentive for LTS to do its part: improving energy efficiency has been an important LTS corporate goal since 2014, part of which is TÜV certification in accordance with DIN ISO 50001.
Pleasing: Only recently we were able to achieve recertification again.
Energy management, energy targets, energy consumption, energy efficiency – these are just a few of the buzzwords around which the LTS energy policy (successfully) revolves.
LTS Energy Policy
Thus, LTS has been able to keep the consumption of primary energies, such as electricity and gas, almost constant in recent years, and this despite the fact that production volumes and production areas have grown constantly!
This is all the more remarkable when you consider that a large proportion of our energy is used to operate air conditioning systems, which run completely independently of production capacity utilization but are essential for the quality of our products.
What specifically has LTS implemented in recent years?
- Conversion to energy-saving LED lighting in several buildings
- Improved heat recovery and lowered operation of air conditioning systems during shutdowns
- Heat recovery system on central steam generators
- Renewal of air compressor with additional heat recovery
- Investment in an energy-efficient refrigeration compressor
What’s planned for 2021?
The expansion of capacities for exhaust air purification at our coating plants is on the list. We are also partially decommissioning older plants and building a new, large RTO (regenerative thermal oxidation) afterburning plant.
This investment was worth more than € 3 million to LTS as a tool for growth and energy efficiency and emission reduction!
Energy management, sustainability and climate protection are focal points of the long-term LTS strategy, also and especially against the background of equal opportunities for future generations. In business, too, there is a tacit contract between the generations. LTS aims and aspires to live up to this responsibility, and we are confident that we are on the right track.
Interested in more information and background on LTS? Then please click here.
Bildquelle: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG