Medicine is in a constant state of change.
Just over 100 years ago, there was a rock-solid conviction (!) that women in medicine would do more harm than good. That was in 1898.
In fact, in 2021, 64.26% – almost two-thirds – of all medical students were female!
What are the reasons for the change?
On the one hand, the income and prestige of the medical profession have steadily declined, and that could explain the drop in male interest. One reason for the rising female quota is the often better numerus clausus of young female school leavers. But it is apparently not quite that simple.
Because this positive trend is not yet evident in the executive floors of hospitals: according to the study “Medical Women on Top 2019”, the proportion of women in leadership positions (e.g., chair, directorate) in university hospitals was a meager 13 percent in 2019!
At the middle hospital level (e.g., senior physicians), the proportion of women was still 31 percent in 2016, which is still very low in view of the student numbers.
Unfortunately, the tide is only slowly turning.
The “Ärztin 2020” project of the German Association of Female Physicians, founded in 2011, aims to analyze structures and work culture with a female perspective and break down prejudices. The highest priority here is to reconcile family and career – ultimately to the benefit of us all.
LTS in Andernach has employed its own company doctor since it was founded! This is anything but a matter of course for an employer of our size; external medical services are usually booked when required. Especially in times of the pandemic, it has repeatedly been shown how important our company doctor and his team are for the employees: the team of the company medical service provided support with tests, vaccinations and all the necessary measures concerning Corona!
Another huge advantage…..
……… for the employees is that the doctor can be reached as a contact person at relatively short notice – long waiting times and haggling for a quick appointment are a thing of the past, because he is on site!
The future of the medical profession in Germany is female, by the way, also at LTS in Andernach: After more than 35 years under male management, Dr. Doris Heinrichs has been responsible for our company medical service since November 2021.
We are delighted!
Foto: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG