Covid19 hangs over the globe like a sword of Damocles and has thrown our lives into turmoil. Many cherished habits have had to be neglected over the past 18 months, e.g. visits to the gym, yoga classes, or team sports of any kind.
To compensate for this, LTS has launched a virtual running challenge for all employees of LTS in Andernach, West Caldwell and Shanghai – they are going on Route 66!
In addition, we all also run for a good cause: when a certain total amount of steps is reached, LTS donates a set amount to the Stiftshospital, Andernach, as well as to the American Hearts Association. It’s definitely worth taking the stairs more often for that, right? 🤘
We stay fit – despite Corona!
Whether Nat King Cole, Chuck Berry, Depeche Mode or the Stones: all of them have set a musical monument to the legendary Route 66 in the USA, on which any amount of inspirations (“kicks”) jump out, with the song “Get your kicks on Route 66”.
From 1926, Route 66 was one of the first continuous paved road connections to the West Coast. Today, the remaining sections of the route, formerly also called Mother Road or Main Street of America, are a magnet for tourists and nostalgics.
After starting in Chicago, Illinois, Route 66 crosses the North American continent through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona to Santa Monica in California.
Dream destination and place of longing
In teams of up to 15 people and over a period of 7 weeks, we are now simply walking this fantastic route virtually. Interim reports with photos round off the whole thing and can then be admired on our LTS Instagram account (lts_health). The steps walked are recorded via the app or manually in the browser. If you choose other sports, such as cycling or horseback riding, that’s no problem – the app automatically converts the times into steps.
The response among the employees was and is great: among the many ambitious teams, of course, the fun factor is not neglected. Each POI (Point of Interest, in each case a border crossing to the next state) offers participants info on the state, as well as delicious regional recipes and also a few loosening exercises so that we don’t move too one-sided 😉👍.
A super combination of sporting challenge, team building and last but not least exercise for a good cause. This was certainly not the last time!
More information about LTS and its products can be found here.
Bildquelle: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG